
嵌入式高级研发工程师 申请该职位


  1. 单独完成独立的模块设计并编写代码实现;
  2. HDMI相关协议的实现;
  3. HDMI音视频的采集、编码。
  4. player在不同芯片平台的移植;


  1. 大学本科或以上学历,计算机相关专业;
  2. 三年左右从事嵌入式开发,五年以上的C和C++编程的经验,代码量超10万行;
  3. 良好的中英文文档读写能力,通过四六级或同等水平;
  4. 熟悉Linux、android系统,能够在这些系统构建编译、调试环境;
  5. 熟悉shell、makefile等脚本;
  6. 熟悉音视频编解码的优先;
  7. 良好的交流能力,友善的待人,踏实的工作态度。

软件 UI 设计师申请该职位


  1. 负责公司产品网站及PC平台软件界面设计。
  2. 负责公司移动产品相关界面设计。
  3. 公司其他领域设计相关工作。


  1. 美术或计算机相关专业,大专以上学历,工业设计及心理学专业优先。
  2. 熟练使用Photoshop、Illustrator 等基础设计软件。
  3. 分享设计经验、推动提高团队的设计能力。
  4. 1-2年互联网或移动平台相关工作经验,对交互设计有一定的了解。
  5. 具备良好的沟通及语言表达能力,富有团队精神。
  6. 请务必在简历中附上作品或作品地址



  1. 人脸识别相关算法仿真与实现
  2. 公司其他产品的图像处理,算法的预演与开发。
  3. 领导交待的其他事项。


  1. 熟练使用C/C++,Matlab、Python
  2. 了解基本的机器学习算法,SVM、boost、sparse coding等。
  3. 了解基本的数值优化算法,convex optimization等,有大数据优化的优先。
  4. 有以下工作经验优先,OCR、face recognize、object classify。



  1. 收集来自公司内部和外部的产品需求,并整理成需求文档;
  2. 产品开发和实施阶段的流程管理、进度管理以及资源协调;
  3. 负责产品评估、测试以及bug跟踪管理;
  4. 产品功能、操作流程说明文档和客服帮助文档的编写;
  5. 负责与客户、公司外部合作伙伴,以及公司内相关各部门的沟通和协调;
  6. 产品经理交代的其它工作。


  1. 全日制统招本科,IT相关专业,男。
  2. 有产品交互设计、良好用户体验经验者优先;
  3. 熟练使用office,visio,axure等工具;
  4. 做事注重细节,追求完美,具有创新精神和持续学习能力;
  5. 具有良好的逻辑思维、沟通、表达能力,具有优秀的文字功底;
  6. 英语熟练,能够独立编写相关英文技术文档和产品资料。
  7. 、热爱产品工作,思维活跃,敢于创新;
  8. 拥有较好的抗压能力,奉行团队协作主义。



  1. 配合产品经理,充分理解用户需求,进行移动产品、其它终端产品等概念原型设计;
  2. 独立完成产品界面的交互原型设计,并且撰写产品UE文档;
  3. 对产品的视觉表现进行评估,提出改进方案,持续优化视觉体验;
  4. 对产品的交互流程进行评估,提出改进方案,持续优化交互流程体验;
  5. 编写并维护视觉、交互设计标准和规范,负责标准和规范的实施;
  6. 对竞品进行分析;
  7. 领导交办的其他事项。


  1. 人机界面设计、设计心理学相关专业,具备基础的交互设计理论;
  2. 熟练使用Axure、Visio等交互流程设计工具;
  3. 熟练运用交互设计各种方法,对用户体验方面理论有较深的认识;
  4. 熟悉ios、android设计规范,有软件产品设计工作经验;
  5. 对国内外优秀的产品有了解;
  6. 熟悉产品开发流程,具有优秀的用户行为分析能力;
  7. 具备一定的HTML、CSS等代码技能;
  8. 工作积极主动,具有较强的责任心,具有创新精神;
  9. 带个人作品或提供可以访问的网站或可下载的应用。



  1. 通过英文邮件为用户提供售前咨询/售后技术支持;
  2. 善于总结、提炼问题,并把用户的问题形成文档反馈给公司技术部门配合解决;
  3. 其他相关工作。


  1. 英语、外贸或计算机相关专业,本科以上学历;
  2. 一年以上相关工作经验;
  3. 善于与用户和开发工程师沟通、协调和团队协作;
  4. 学习并接受新知识的能力强,具有很强的服务意识;
  5. 工作严谨认真,耐心细致,工作敬业,责任心强;
  6. 熟练的英文读写能力;
  7. 良好的分析能力;
  8. 熟悉Windows操作系统和 office,photoshop,powerpoint 等办公软件。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Providing Pre-sale and After-sale tech support to users via E-mail;
  2. Create document about users' related problems, and feedback to Tech Department;
  3. Other related work。

Job Requirements:

  1. Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, or related major;
  2. At least one year's work experience in the related fields;
  3. Good communication, coordination and teamwork skills with users and software engineers;
  4. Good ability to learn and accept new knowledge, and client focus;
  5. Possess initiative, Good problem solving, Understanding,Patience and Strong sense of responsibility;
  6. Having good read and written skills in English;
  7. Good analytic skills;
  8. Proficient at Windows system; Familiar with Office, photoshop, powerpoint and other software.

PHP程序员 PHP Programmer (2人)申请该职位


  1. 负责公司网站的开发与维护;
  2. 负责网站产品相关业务模块的分析、设计、开发、维护;
  3. 相关开发文档的整理与编写;
  4. 上级交代的其他工作。


  1. 本科学历,计算机软件及相关专业,有1年以上类似工作经验;
  2. 熟练LAMP开发环境;
  3. 精通PHP,具备面向对象编程思想,熟悉设计模式,深入了解PHP的性能和安全;
  4. 精通MySQL数据库,精通SQL语句,了解MYSQL数据库开发、性能优化;
  5. 精通HTML/XHTML、DIV、CSS、Javascript、AJAX、JQuery、JSON等Web页面技术;掌握web标准、浏览器兼容性;
  6. 有良好的学习方法和学习能力,逻辑思维能力强,做事有条理性;
  7. 良好的沟通技巧,对需求有把握能力;
  8. 有极强的责任心,较好的表达能力;有团队工作精神、独立解决问题的能力,并能在较大压力下进行工作。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Responsible for website development and maintenance;
  2. Responsible for analysis, design, development and maintenance of releated product business module
  3. Responsible for the collation and preparation of related documentation;
  4. Other related work from charge person.

Job Requirements:

  1. Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, or related major;
  2. At least one year's work experience in the related fields;
  3. Skilled LAMP development environment;
  4. Proficient in PHP; having object-oriented programming ideas; familiar with design patterns; in-depth understanding of PHP's performance and security;
  5. Proficient in MySQL database; proficient in SQL statement; understanding the MYSQL database development and performance optimization;
  6. Proficient in HTML / XHTML, DIV, CSS, Javascript, AJAX, JQuery, JSON and other Web page technologies; mastering web standards, browser compatibility;
  7. Having good learning methods and learning ability, logical thinking ability;
  8. Good communication skills; ability to grasp on demand;
  9. A strong sense of responsibility; good communication skills; having team work spirit, independent problem-solving skills; and able to work under great pressure.



  1. 负责ios和安卓相关移动互联市场的推广,完成公司制定的下载量目标以及品牌推广目标;
  2. 对运营数据、用户行为数据等进行分析和挖掘,提升推广质量;
  3. 配合合作渠道进行运营推广、内容更新及各种活动策划及上线发布跟进;
  4. 维护合作伙伴关系,获取/换取优质推广资源;
  5. 产品推广预算及实施过程中的效果监控,对推广数据进行分析,有针对性的调整推广策略;


  1. 熟悉互联网广告CPC,CPA,CPM等等推广方式以及计费方式;
  2. 能独立策划活动/推广方案,熟练运用Office软件。
  3. 熟悉移动互联网行业,熟悉各种软件商店、论坛、手机厂商或渠道商;
  4. 熟悉iOS和Android平台及App产品,对App的推广和运营有自己的认识;
  5. 一年以上App推广相关工作经验;
  6. 大学英语六级或以上水平;听说读写能力强。

流媒体服务器开发工程师 申请该职位


  1. Windows或Mac OSX平台下C/C++程序设计;
  2. 从事媒体服务器的相关开发;
  3. 媒体服务器与前端播放器的通信协议与实现;
  4. 在线下载媒体信息以及媒体库的管理。


  1. c/c++基础扎实,四年以上多媒体方面开发经验;
  2. 有网络开发经验,熟悉基本网络通信协议;
  3. 熟悉流媒体相关协议,hls,rtsp,rtmp等;
  4. 最好有流媒体服务器相关开发经验;
  5. 有良好的语言表达能力,有良好的团队合作精神和上进心。

起步阶段C/C++工程师(Windows平台)The initial stage C / C + + Engineer (Windows platforms) (2人)申请该职位


  1. Windows平台;
  2. GUI(图形用户界面)开发;
  3. "技术点"的调研:研究如何(用正确的方法)实现某个"功能",并撰写相应的"原型";
  4. 与他人协作,撰写(并测试)程序模块。


  1. 良好的C、C++、GUI(图形用户界面)和Windows开发经验;
  2. 良好的编程基础,大致包括:"数据结构"的概念、"设计模式"的思维和常用算法的知识等等;
  3. 上述经验我们不设量化的(比如几年)的要求,但应聘者应能够提供自己的,真实的作品(比如独立开发的软件);
  4. 良好的分析能力、归纳习惯和解决问题的特质


  1. 开发百万用户级专业软件产品的机会万用户级专业软件产品的机会;
  2. 软件高手直接指导,迅速提高技术水平。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Windows Platform;
  2. GUI (Graphical User Interface) development;
  3. "Technical point" of research: how to (with the correct method) achieve a "functional", and write the corresponding "prototype";
  4. In collaboration with others, write (and test) program modules.

Job Requirements:

  1. Good C, C + +, GUI (graphical user interface), and Windows development experience,
  2. Good programming foundation, broadly include the following: "data structure" concept, "design mode" of thinking and knowledge of commonly used algorithms and so on;
  3. The experience we do not provide quantitative (eg, years) requirements, but applicants should be able to provide their own real work (for example, independently developed software);
  4. Good analytical ability, inductive habits and capability of problem-solving.

Personal development space:

  1. Millions of user-level professional development opportunities for software products,
  2. Direct guidance from the Master of the software , rapidly rising level of technology.



  1. 移植公司独立软件产品至Mac平台并长期维护;
  2. 开发DVD Author相关产品;
  3. 公司独立软件产品维护;
  4. 开发基于 DLNA 的media server 产品;
  5. 以上4项工作职责都是独立的,(满足一项就可以)分别招聘。


  1. 优秀的C、C++、GUI(图形用户界面)和Windows/Mac开发经验;
  2. 优秀的编程基础,大致包括:"数据结构"的概念、"设计模式"的思维和常用算法的知识等;
  3. 上述经验我们不设量化的(比如几年)的要求,但应聘者应能够提供自己的,真实的作品(比如独立开发的软件);
  4. 良好的分析能力、归纳习惯和解决问题的特质;
  5. 良好的团队合作能力;
  6. 有Qt开发经验者优先;
  7. 能列举出应用过哪些"设计模式"的优先。


  1. 有过MAC应用程序开发经验;
  2. 熟悉多媒体开发,局域网程序开发;
  3. 熟悉多媒体领域技术和知识(MPEG、图像处理、音视频编解码、音视频格式、DirectShow)。

资深C/C++软件工程师(windows平台) (4人)申请该职位


  1. Windows或Mac平台;
  2. GUI(图形用户界面)开发;
  3. "胶水层"(连接GUI和底层)开发。


  1. 优秀的C、C++、GUI(图形用户界面)和Windows/Mac开发经验;
  2. 优秀的编程基础,大致包括:"数据结构"的概念、"设计模式"的思维和常用算法的知识等;
  3. 上述经验我们不设量化的(比如几年)的要求,但应聘者应能够提供自己的,真实的作品(比如独立开发的软件);
  4. 良好的分析能力、归纳习惯和解决问题的特质;
  5. 良好的团队合作能力;
  6. 有Qt开发经验者优先;
  7. 能列举出应用过哪些"设计模式"的优先。


  1. 开发百万用户级专业软件产品的机会;
  2. 和软件高手共事,共同提高技术水平。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Windows or Mac Platform;
  2. GUI (Graphical User Interface) development;
  3. "Glue layer" (connecting GUI and the bottom) development.

Job Requirements:

  1. Excellent C, C + +, GUI (graphical user interface), and Windows/Mac development experience;
  2. Excellent programming basis, broadly include the following: "datastructure" concept, "design pattern" of thinking and knowledge of commonly used algorithms and so on;
  3. The experience we do not provide quantitative (eg, years) requirements, but applicants should be able to provide their own real work (for example, independently developed software);
  4. Good analytical ability, inductive habits and capability of problem-solving;
  5. Good teamwork skills;
  6. Experience in Qt development is preferred;
  7. Ability to list used "design pattern" is preferred.

Personal development space:

  1. Millions of user-level professional development opportunities for software products,
  2. Work together with software experts, and improve the technical level.



  1. 按照公司的产品需求及其设计,进行IOS平台上相关程序的构架、研发、验证和修正测试中发现的问题。
  2. 负责公司ios研发项目进度的规划和推进。
  3. 负责公司ios研发团队的管理和建设。
  4. 、Review团队其它成员的代码,对团队成员的工作进度和工作质量负责。


  1. 具有3年以上工作经验,2年以上ios开发经验。
  2. 熟悉ios/Mac操作系统,熟悉ios SDK、Xcode、Cocoa 相关技术开发及应用,ios平台相关框架库等相关技术。
  3. 熟悉 Mac OS 或 iPhone 平台下 Objective-C 程序设计;精通 Objective-C 语言,熟悉面向对象的程序设计方法。
  4. 熟悉ios平台下的音视频、图片等多媒体相关处理库及其算法。
  5. 基础扎实,熟练使用常用数据结构与算法。
  6. 有2人以上团队带队经验的优先;有c/c++、其它移动平台开发经验者优先。



  1. 按照公司的产品需求及其设计,负责公司 Android 应用程序的构架、设计、开发。
  2. 验证和修正测试中发现的问题。
  3. 学习和研究新技术以满足产品的需求。
  4. 根据开发过程中的体验对产品提出改进建议。


  1. 2年以上 Android 平台开发经验,具备扎实的 Java 编程基础,熟悉Linux 操作系统;
  2. 熟悉Android OS系统体系结构、framework、以及底层库;
  3. 熟悉 Android 下网络通信机制、对 Socket 通信、 TCP/IP 和 HTTP 有较深刻的理解和经验;
  4. 熟悉java多线程等技术,掌握OO设计,熟悉常用的设计模式;
  5. 熟悉音视频Player开发、NDK和JNI开发者优先;
  6. 对手机软件性能优化、内存优化有一定了解;
  7. 了解数据库设计模式,熟悉一门数据库语言;
  8. 良好的沟通和学习能力,具备良好的分析、解决问题的能力;接受能力强,能很快学习和掌握新技术。

视频处理工程师 (4人)申请该职位


  1. 数字图象及视频处理算法的研究开发,及其模块设计实现。


  1. 计算机,通信、电子类相关专业本科以上学历;
  2. 精通C语言;
  3. 熟悉MPEG4,H.264标准规范,有2年以上数字信号处理,音、视频处理方面相关经验,视频编解码算法经验者优先;
  4. 具有团队精神与敬业精神,学习钻研能力强,具有良好的协调沟通能力。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Research and development of digital image and video processing algorithms; design and implement its modular.

Job Requirements:

  1. Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Communications, Electronics, or related major;
  2. Strong C coding background;
  3. Familiar with MPEG4, H.264 standard specification; At least two years' work experience in Digital signal processing, audio, video processing; Video codec algorithm is preferred;
  4. Good ability to learn and accept new knowledge;
  5. Good communication, coordination and teamwork skills;
  6. Good problem solving and Strong sense of responsibility.

音视频开发工程师 (2人)申请该职位


  1. 从事音视频应用的设计及研发工作;
  2. 负责音视频相关的软件产品的底层库开发。


  1. 负责音视频相关的软件产品的底层库开发。
  2. 熟悉多媒体领域相关知识(音视频格式、音视频编解码、DirectShow等);
  3. 有良好的语言表达能力,有良好的团队合作精神和上进心。

软件测试工程师 (3人)申请该职位


  1. 按照测试流程和测试规范能够独立完成分配的测试任务;
  2. 根据产品规范和测试需求编写测试计划,设计测试数据和测试用例;
  3. 实施测试,对产品下线进行跟踪分析和报告,推动测试中发现缺陷并及时合理解决;
  4. 负责测试平台的建设和维护,测试过程数据的统计和发布;
  5. 编写软件使用说明书等文档,总结经验,归纳案例,实现经验共享。


  1. 大学本科或以上学历,计算机相关专业;
  2. 1年以上工作经验,并从事功能测试相关工作;
  3. 良好的中英文文档读写能力;
  4. 对软件测试有浓厚的兴趣,善于发现提出问题;
  5. 具有较强的表达能力,具备独立分析和解决问题的能力;
  6. 男性、年龄24-28优先;
  7. 熟练使用Mantis, testlink, Bugger,QC、LoadRunner、QTP等测试软件者优先;
  8. 了解测试基础理论、测试工作流程,掌握基本的测试方法、缺陷管理规范;
  9. 工作严谨认真,耐心细致,有敬业精神,有责任心强;
  10. 良好的沟通能力,具有团队合作精神。

产品经理 (1人)申请该职位


  1. 负责完成前期产品市场需求、同类产品市场资料的收集;
  2. 根据产品需求,撰写详细的产品流程设计文档、产品界面及原型设计文档;
  3. 负责与研发、设计、测试等部门沟通,确保各个协作部门对产品文档有充分的理解;
  4. 引导设计师完成产品的界面设计,协调开发人员进行开发工作,推动及协调产品的开发进度,把控项目质量;
  5. 配合测试部门完成产品的测试工作;
  6. 收集用户反馈,分析用户行为及需求,对产品进行持续的优化和改进;
  7. 负责相关产品开发项目周期和进度把控,并确保对产品开发至最终发布,对完成进度和质量负全责。


  1. 本科以上学历,三年以上主持或大部分参与过大型软件开发全过程;
  2. 熟悉软件产品整体实现过程,包括从需求分析到产品发布;
  3. 精通软件产品交互设计的相关流程,包括功能分析、用户角色分析、原型设计、界面开发、易用性测试等;
  4. 有项目管理和协调能力;出色的表达能力,文档写作能力和产品原型表现能力;
  5. 能够熟练使用Visio、Axure等产品原型搭建工具;
  6. 具备良好的数据与竞争对手分析能力,能够对自有产品提出整改计划;
  7. 卓越的逻辑思维与分析能力,能够很好的规划和设计产品功能、使用流程与交互体验;
  8. 有较强的敬业精神,责任心及良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神,具有较强的学习能力和洞察力;
  9. 对工作充满热情,富有创新精神,能承受较大的工作压力;为人积极乐观,沟通协调能力强,具备良好的职业道德和敬业精神;
  10. 有国际业务和海外市场相关经验者优先考虑。
  11. 英语熟练者优先考虑;

美工设计师/美工 (1人)申请该职位


  1. 负责公司网站的设计、改版、更新;
  2. 负责公司产品的设计、编辑、美化等工作;
  3. 对公司的宣传品、产品进行美工设计;
  4. 其他与美术设计相关的工作。


  1. 大专以上学历,美术设计相关专业
  2. 一年以上网页设计及平面设计工作经验;
  3. 审美感好、有扎实的美术基础、创意思维和网页设计能力、色彩感强;
  4. 熟悉美工设计工作流程,熟练使用Photoshop、Coreldraw、Illustrator等平面设计软件,对图片渲染和视觉效果有较好认识;
  5. 创作思维敏捷,有丰富的想象力和强烈的创作欲望和激情;
  6. 有团队合作精神,有较好的口头和书面沟通能力;
  7. 工作认真、敬业,有高度的责任心,能承受工作压力;
  8. 有软件行业或互联网行业从业经验优先考虑;
  9. 请附个人作品案例。

网页制作工程师 (2人)申请该职位


  1. 网页制作和网站维护;
  2. 公司相关的设计和制作。


  1. 两年以上相关工作经验;
  2. 精通各种Web前端技术XHTML、XML、CSS、Javascript等; 能熟练手写代码。
  3. 深刻理解Web标准,对符合web标准的网站重构有丰富经验,有成功案例;
  4. 对各浏览器的兼容性有深入了解及解决经验;
  5. 熟练掌握photoshop、 fireworks等设计工具,需具备一定的设计能力,如能承担网站界面设计尤佳。
  6. 逻辑分析能力强,善于沟通,较强的学习能力;
  7. 具备团队合作精神;
  8. 最好附上个人作品案例。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Web page creation and site maintenance;
  2. Relevant design and production in company.

Job Requirements:

  1. At least two years' work experience in the related fields;
  2. Proficient in a variety of Web front-end technology, XHTML, XML, CSS, Javascript, etc.; can skillfully hand-written code.
  3. Deep understanding of Web standards, has extensive experience in remodeling web site that meets standards, there are success stories;
  4. Can make Flash;
  5. Have a good understanding in the compatibility of various browsers and solving experience;
  6. Familiar with Photoshop, Fireworks and other design tools, have a certain of design capability, taking on Web interface design is a plus.
  7. Logical analysis and good communication ability, strong learning ability;
  8. Have the team spirit, able to withstand a strong work pressure;
  9. The case of individual works attached is best.

SEO工程师 (2人)申请该职位


  1. 熟悉英文搜索引擎优化策略, 包括站内优化, 站外优化等;
  2. 结合公司的发展制定SEO拓展策略;
  3. 熟悉Google等搜索引擎的优化;
  4. 制定适合网站发展的优化措施;
  5. 监控网站SEO效果,不断提出优化方案并负责监测。


  1. 本科或以上学历,英语6级以上,有良好的英语读写能力;
  2. 三年年以上SEO相关工作经验,有过大中型网站优化经验,有英文网站SEO经验优先;
  3. 对SEO所面临的风险有深刻的认识和丰富的规避技巧;
  4. 了解 DIV+CSS 网页制作技术,熟悉HTML, PHP, JS等,对各类代码对于搜索引擎的影响有深刻的认识;
  5. 有市场洞察和分析调研能力,熟悉网络营销和网站推广;
  6. 有共享软件行业从业背景优先。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Familiar with the tactics of English search engine optimization, including website inside optimization and outside optimization;
  2. To design strategies of website SEO optimization according to company development;
  3. Familiar with search engine optimization, such as Google,etc.
  4. To formulate optimization measures for site development;
  5. Responsible for monitoring SEO results, and constantly offering optimization proposal and marketing results tracking.

Job Requirements:

  1. Bachelor Degree or above; CET 6; having good read and written skills in English;
  2. At least 3 years' work experience in the related SEO fields; and experience of optimization medium and large website and English website is preferred;
  3. Having deep understanding of SEO risks and rich skills to avoid these risks;
  4. Understanding DIV + CSS tech in-depth; familiar with HTML, PHP, JS, etc. And having deep understanding the effect of search engine to various types of code;
  5. Having market research insight and analysis capabilities; familiar with online marketing and website promotion;
  6. Related experience in shareware field is preferred.

市场专员 (4人)申请该职位


  1. 负责英文市场的推广、市场策划及电子商务网络营销;
  2. 维护和开拓公司现有市场渠道;
  3. 关注竞争对手的市场动态;
  4. 完成主管安排的相关的工作。


  1. 本科以上学历,英语、电子商务、市场营销类及相关专业;
  2. 英语六级以上,英语专业的专业四级以上;
  3. 敏锐的市场洞察力,熟悉竞争对手分析;
  4. 出色的信息搜集和分析能力;
  5. 具有较强的逻辑思维能力,善于分析数据;
  6. 熟练使用计算机及office办公软件,尤其是Excel;
  7. 具有较强的学习能力和独立思考的能力;
  8. 一年以上工作经验,有软件行业市场工作经验者优先。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Responsible for the English market promotion, marketing plan and e-commerce network marketing;
  2. Maintaining and expanding market channels of company;
  3. Responsible for monitoring and analyzing competitors;
  4. Other related work from charge person.

Job Requirements:

  1. Bachelor Degree or above; English, E-commerce, Marketing, or related major;
  2. CET 6 or Professional 4 of English major;
  3. Having market research insight and analysis capabilities of competitors;
  4. Good capacity to observe and analyze the data;
  5. Having a strong logical thinking ability, and be good at data analytical;
  6. Proficiency in computer operation and related OFFICE tools, especially Excel;
  7. Good ability to learn, accept new knowledge and think independently;
  8. At least 1 year's work experience in the related fields; experience in Software Industry is preferred.

英语编辑English Editor (2人)申请该职位


  1. 根据网站建设的需要,翻译或书写网站页面的英文描述内容;
  2. 根据公司产品发布或升级的需求,撰写相关英文材料;
  3. 根据市场推广的需求,提供相关英文文档;
  4. 完成主管安排的任务。


  1. 英语专业八级;
  2. 英文读写均非常熟练;
  3. 工作认真、高效、积极进取,优秀的团队合作精神;
  4. 有网页制作基础优先;
  5. 有软件相关行业工作经验优先;
  6. 有海外学习生活经历优先。
  7. 优秀的大四在校生也可考虑。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Responsible for translation or writing of description content in site pages according to company's website development;
  2. Responsible for writing English article according to the needs of software release and upgrade;
  3. Offering English documentation according to the needs of marketing optimization;
  4. Other related work from charge person.

Job Requirements:

  1. Professional 8 or above of English major;
  2. Having good read and written skills in English;
  3. Good communication, coordination and teamwork skills;
  4. Possess initiative, Good problem solving, Understanding,Patience and Strong sense of responsibility;
  5. Familiar with web page development and manufacture is preferred;
  6. Related experience in Software Industry is preferred;
  7. Experience of study and living in overseas is preferred.

日文市场专员Japanese Market Specilist (3人)申请该职位


  1. 负责日语网站制作;
  2. 负责日语市场的推广及电子商务网络营销;
  3. 负责部分日语市场客户支持工作;
  4. 维护和开拓公司现有市场渠道;
  5. 关注竞争对手的市场动态;
  6. 完成主管安排的相关的工作。


  1. 精通日语听、说、读、写,通过日语国际一级或具有同等水平;
  2. 英语读、写熟练,能够深刻领会英文文章内容,并能熟练翻译成日语;
  3. 熟练使用常用办公软件,能使用日文操作系统;
  4. 可以用Dreamweaver进行网页编辑工作;
  5. 具有职业素养,能承受工作压力,有团队合作精神;
  6. 有日本留学经验者优先;
  7. 熟悉多媒体软件行业,有网络营销经验者优先。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Responsible for the Japanese market promotion, marketing plan and e-commerce network marketing;
  2. Maintaining and expanding market channels of company;
  3. Responsible for monitoring and analyzing competitors;
  4. Responsible for tech support of Japanese market;
  5. Other related work from charge person.

Job Requirements:

  1. Proficiency in Japanese listening, speaking, reading and writing; Japanese 1 at the international level or equivalent;
  2. Proficiency in English reading and writing; can thoroughly understand the contents in the English articles,and translate into Japanese skillfully;
  3. Skilled use of common OFFICE tools; able to use Japanese Operating System;
  4. Can use Dreamweaver to edit web page;
  5. With professionalism and team spirit, able to work under pressure;
  6. Japanese study or life experience is preferred;
  7. Familiar with the multimedia software industry; and Internet Marketing experience is preferred.

德语编辑German Editor (1人)申请该职位


  1. 根据网站建设的需要,翻译或书写网站页面的德语描述内容;
  2. 根据公司产品发布或升级的需求,撰写相关德文材料;
  3. 根据市场推广的需求,提供相关德文文档;
  4. 完成主管安排的任务。


  1. 德语专业;
  2. 英语、德语读写均非常熟练;
  3. 工作认真、高效、积极进取,优秀的团队合作精神;
  4. 有网页制作基础优先;
  5. 有软件相关行业工作经验优先;
  6. 有海外学习生活经历优先。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Responsible for translation or writing of description content in site pages according to company's website development;
  2. Responsible for writing German article according to the needs of software release and upgrade;
  3. Offering German documentation according to the needs of marketing optimization;
  4. Other related work from charge person.

Job Requirements:

  1. German major;
  2. Having good read and written skills in both English and German;
  3. Good communication, coordination and teamwork skills;
  4. Possess initiative, Good problem solving, Understanding,Patience and Strong sense of responsibility;
  5. Familiar with web page development and manufacture is preferred;
  6. Related experience in Software Industry is preferred;
  7. Experience of study and living in overseas is preferred.

法语编辑 French Editorr (2人)申请该职位


  1. 根据网站建设的需要,翻译或书写网站页面的法语描述内容;
  2. 根据公司产品发布或升级的需求,撰写相关法语材料;
  3. 根据市场推广的需求,提供相关法语文档;
  4. 完成主管安排的任务。


  1. 法语专业;
  2. 英文、法语读写均非常熟练;
  3. 工作认真、高效、积极进取,优秀的团队合作精神;
  4. 有网页制作基础优先;
  5. 有软件相关行业工作经验优先;
  6. 有海外学习生活经历优先。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Responsible for translation or writing of description content in site pages according to company's website development;
  2. Responsible for writing French article according to the needs of software release and upgrade;
  3. Offering French documentation according to the needs of marketing optimization;
  4. Other related work from charge person.

Job Requirements:

  1. French major;
  2. Having good read and written skills in both English and French;
  3. Good communication, coordination and teamwork skills;
  4. Possess initiative, Good problem solving, Understanding,Patience and Strong sense of responsibility;
  5. Familiar with web page development and manufacture is preferred;
  6. Related experience in Software Industry is preferred;
  7. Experience of study and living in overseas is preferred.

西班牙语编辑 Spanish Editor (1人)申请该职位


  1. 根据网站建设的需要,翻译或书写网站页面的西班牙语描述内容;
  2. 根据公司产品发布或升级的需求,撰写相关西班牙语材料;
  3. 根据市场推广的需求,提供相关西班牙语文档;
  4. 完成主管安排的任务。


  1. 西班牙语专业;
  2. 英语、西班牙语读写均非常熟练;
  3. 工作认真、高效、积极进取,优秀的团队合作精神;
  4. 有网页制作基础优先;
  5. 有软件相关行业工作经验优先;
  6. 有海外学习生活经历优先。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Responsible for translation or writing of description content in site pages according to company's website development;
  2. Responsible for writing Spanish article according to the needs of software release and upgrade;
  3. Offering Spanish documentation according to the needs of marketing optimization;
  4. Other related work from charge person.

Job Requirements:

  1. Spanish major;
  2. Having good read and written skills in both English and Spanish;
  3. Good communication, coordination and teamwork skills;
  4. Possess initiative, Good problem solving, Understanding,Patience and Strong sense of responsibility;
  5. Familiar with web page development and manufacture is preferred;
  6. Related experience in Software Industry is preferred;
  7. Experience of study and living in overseas is preferred.

意大利语编辑 Italian Editor (1人)申请该职位


  1. 根据网站建设的需要,翻译或书写网站页面的意大利语描述内容;
  2. 根据公司产品发布或升级的需求,撰写相关意大利语材料;
  3. 根据市场推广的需求,提供相关意大利语文档;
  4. 完成主管安排的任务。


  1. 意大利语专业;
  2. 英语、意大利语读写均非常熟练;
  3. 工作认真、高效、积极进取,优秀的团队合作精神;
  4. 有网页制作基础优先;
  5. 有软件相关行业工作经验优先;
  6. 有海外学习生活经历优先。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Responsible for translation or writing of description content in site pages according to company's website development;
  2. Responsible for writing Italian article according to the needs of software release and upgrade;
  3. Offering Italian documentation according to the needs of marketing optimization;
  4. Other related work from charge person.

Job Requirements:

  1. Italian major;
  2. Having good read and written skills in both Italian and English;
  3. Good communication, coordination and teamwork skills;
  4. Possess initiative, Good problem solving, Understanding,Patience and Strong sense of responsibility;
  5. Familiar with web page development and manufacture is preferred;
  6. Related experience in Software Industry is preferred;
  7. Experience of study and living in overseas is preferred.

市场助理Marketing Assistant (1人)申请该职位


  1. 负责英文市场的推广、市场策划及电子商务网络营销;
  2. 维护和开拓公司现有市场渠道;
  3. 关注竞争对手的市场动态;
  4. 完成主管安排的相关的工作。


  1. 本科学历,英语、电子商务、市场营销类及相关专业;
  2. 英语六级以上,英语专业的专业四级以上;
  3. 敏锐的市场洞察力,熟悉竞争对手分析;
  4. 出色的信息搜集和分析能力;
  5. 具有较强的逻辑思维能力,善于分析数据;
  6. 熟练使用计算机及office办公软件,尤其是Excel;
  7. 具有较强的学习能力和独立思考的能力;
  8. 优秀的大四在校生也可考虑。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Responsible for the English market promotion, marketing plan and e-commerce network marketing;
  2. Maintaining and expanding market channels of company;
  3. Responsible for monitoring and analyzing competitors;
  4. Other related work from charge person.

Job Requirements:

  1. Bachelor Degree or above; English, E-commerce, Marketing, or related major;
  2. CET 6 or Professional 4 of English major;
  3. Having market research insight and analysis capabilities of competitors;
  4. Good capacity to observe and analyze the data;
  5. Having a strong logical thinking ability, and be good at data analytical;
  6. Proficiency in computer operation and related OFFICE tools, especially Excel;
  7. Good ability to learn, accept new knowledge and think independently;

行政助理Administration Assistant (1人)申请该职位


  1. 为公司各部门提供日常行政以及后勤支持工作;
  2. 负责行政部门文档工作;
  3. 负责数据统计、分析及工作报告;
  4. 参与制定公司行政管理制度、完善和细化办公管理体系和业务流程;
  5. 参与组织、协调安排公司的各种会议及大型活动;
  6. 办公用品管理,需求计划以及采购预算;
  7. 协助对外联络与接待工作;
  8. 协助办理公司年检、商标注册、申请行业专利等工作;
  9. 其他相关工作。


  1. 正规大学本科或以上;
  2. 两年以上相关工作经验;
  3. 熟悉工商年检、专利、商标注册等方面事务;
  5. 良好的文字能力和语言表达能力;文笔佳
  6. 性格活泼,组织协调能力强,具有团队合作精神,能够独立承担工作任务。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Providing daily administration and support work for all departments of company wherever possible;
  2. Responsible for Administration documents work;
  3. Responsible for related statistics, analysis and report;
  4. Be involved in the development of administrative system, improvment and refinement of office management systems/business processes;
  5. Be involved in organizing, coordinating arrangements for the company's various meetings and events;
  6. Responsible for management, demand planning and procurement budget of office supplies;
  7. To assist with the contact and reception of external;
  8. Other related work.

Job Requirements:

  1. Regular undergraduate;
  2. At least one year's work experience in the related fields;
  3. Proficiency in EXCEL, POWERPOINT, WORD and other related OFFICE tools;
  4. Good writing ability and language skills;
  5. Good problem solving, Understanding,Patience and Strong sense of responsibility;
  6. Good communication, coordination and teamwork skills and can work independently.

出纳员 (1人)申请该职位


  1. 独立处理现金收付、银行结算,熟悉和银行的相关业务;
  2. 负责现金日记帐和银行日记帐的登记,保管库存现金及其他重要票证等;
  3. 审核员工报销票据的合法性,并及时办理报销业务;
  4. 定期向主管上级汇报财务收支及资金结余情况;
  5. 协助会计完成好账务处理工作;
  6. 定期提交报销费用报表。


  1. 会计相关专业,本科以上学历;
  2. 计算机操作熟练,熟悉财务软件,精通 Office 办公软件和 Excel 表;
  3. 具有 " 会计从业资格证 " ,熟悉国家有关财务政策与规定;
  4. 一年以上财务工作经验,熟悉出纳工作流程;
  5. 具有良好的沟通能力和领悟能力,有独立处理事务的能力;
  6. 品行端正、为人正直、诚实工作认真细心、责任心强,敢于坚持原则;
  7. 具有良好的团队协作精神和服务意识。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Daily cash &bank account bookkeeping;
  2. Handle daily cash& bank receipts and payments;
  3. Finance reports andanalysis regarding expenditure;
  4. Invoices issue anddelivery;
  5. Financial filesclean up and management;
  6. Other assigned jobs.

Job Requirements:

  1. University graduate in Accounting or equivalent major, 1 year experience is a plus but not a must;
  2. Good language skill in written and oral English, CET 6 is preferred;
  3. High sense of responsibility; Strong learning ability;
  4. Proficiency in excel, word and other related office tools;
  5. Good writing ability and language skills;
  6. Good problem solving, Understanding,Patience and Strong sense of responsibility.

会计 (1人)申请该职位


  1. 协助制定合理的财务政策,完善财务流程,并组织实施;
  2. 划转、核算往来款项,到款确认,及时登记现金、银行日记帐;
  3. 编制财务报表,编制和上报会计报表,积极配合公司进行成本控制、分析预测等;
  4. 协助准备每日、月单据及报表,完成月末结账报税,税费分析、税金计算,进行纳税申报;
  5. 负责年度汇算清缴,发票管理等所有与税务相关事项;
  6. 积极主动的支持并配合分司其他业务部门工作,同时保证财务监督及控制作用;
  7. 维护并管理与当地税务、银行、会计师事务所等关系,并组织完成与其相关事宜。


  1. 会计、财务等相关专业本科以上学历;
  2. 有会计从业资格证书,有3年以上财务工作经验;
  3. 了解国家财经政策和会计、税务法规,熟悉银行结算业务;
  4. 熟悉会计报表的处理,熟练使用财务软件;
  5. 善于处理流程性事务、良好的学习能力、独立工作能力和财务分析能力;
  6. 工作细致,责任感强,良好的沟通能力、团队精神,保密性强;
  7. 基本的英文听说读写能力。
  8. 有软件背景和国际贸易背景的优先。

Job Responsibilities:

  1. Consummate the financial processes, and put into practice;
  2. Transfer, accounting transactions, the article confirmed that the cash register in a timely manner, the bank journal;
  3. Assist to prepare unified spreadsheet templates/models for financial planning and analysis
  4. Help prepare daily accounting, and statements on documents,Corporate tax-related work compliance with local, corporate reporting requirements.
  5. responsible for monthly tax returns, annual audit and all business related to tax bureau;
  6. Support and corporate with other business in the company actively, meantime ensure the role of financial supervision and control;
  7. Maintain and mange the relationships with the local tax, banks, local firms and accomplish the related issues.

Job Requirements:

  1. accounting, finance and other related professional skills;
  2. with their qualification certificates, more than three year of work experience;
  3. the national understanding of the financial and accounting policies,tax laws and regulations, familiar with the bank clearing business;
  4. familiar with the deal with the accounting statements, the use of skilled financial software;
  5. good at dealing with matters of process, good learning ability, the ability to work independently and the ability of financial analysis;
  6. strong sense of responsibility, good communication skills, team spirit, strong confidentiality;
  7. basic oral and written communication skills in English.